There are others that are also into animals rearing. Research conducted indicated that most farmers that visited the health centres came with injuries such as cuts and snake bites due to the inappropriate use of farm tools and unavailability of protective logistics for their farming activities. This became an issue worth tackling. This necessitated the implementation of farm tools support programme where farmers were provided with basic farm tools such as cutlasses, head pans, pickaxes etc. to facilitate their farm cultivation and food production. Also, for their safety, wellington boots, gloves and overall clothings were provided. Tractor service was also provided to farmers that were into large scale farming to support their economic activities. The Farm Tools Support covered a total of 1,655 farmers who were clustered based on the existing operational area scheme employed by agric extension agents.
Impact: Ninety-eight percent (98%) of the sampled beneficiary farmers who were interviewed as part of the post distribution survey highlighted significant improvement in their safety when visiting or working on their farms. The wellington boots have enhanced their protection against snake bites and injuries from cutlasses, tree stumps and thorns. Additionally, due to the free supply of the farm tools, the funds which would have been used to procure such tools on their own have either been saved or invested into other farm inputs to help their cultivation. An example is Nana Anan Bediako of Nkwatia community a beneficiary has this to say (I benefited from the farm tools support and tractor services which contributed immensely to my bumper harvest in 2019 thereby increasing my income. This has afforded me the opportunity to now cater for my family well and can boast of some sizable amount in my bank account which has given me access to credit facility to expand my farms the more. Something which I could not have gotten ordinarily).